The Sleuth Kit Framework  4.1
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
   |o*CarveExtract.hContains the interface of the abstract CarveExtract class
   |o*CarvePrep.hContains the interface of the abstract CarvePrep class
   |o*TskCarveExtractScalpel.cppContains the implementation of the TskCarveExtractScalpel class
   |o*TskCarveExtractScalpel.hContains the interface of the TskCarveExtractScalpel class
   |o*TskCarvePrepSectorConcat.cppContains the implementation of the TskCarvePrepSectorConcat class
   |o*TskCarvePrepSectorConcat.hContains the interface of the TskCarvePrepSectorConcat class
   |o*TskImageFile.cppContains the implementation for the TskImageFile base class
   |o*TskImageFile.hContains the interface for the TskImageFile class
   |o*TskImageFileTsk.cppContains The Sleuth Kit implementation of the TskImageFile interface
   |o*TskFile.cppContains the implementation for the TskFile class
   |o*TskFile.hContains the interface for the TskFile class
   |o*TskFileManager.hContains the interface for the TskFileManager class
   |o*TskFileManagerImpl.cppDefault implementation of the TskFileManager class
   |o*TskFileManagerImpl.hDefault implementation of the TskFileManager class
   |\*TskFileTsk.cppContains a Sleuthkit and Poco implementation of the TskFileTsk class
   |o*TskExecutableModule.cppContains the implementation for the TskExecutableModule class
   |o*TskFileAnalysisPipeline.cppContains the implementation for the TskFileAnalysisPipeline class
   |o*TskFileAnalysisPipeline.hContains the interface for the TskFileAnalysisPipeline class
   |o*TskFileAnalysisPluginModule.cppContains the implementation for the TskFileAnalysisPluginModule class
   |o*TskModule.cppContains the implementation for the TskModule base class
   |o*TskModule.hContains the interface for the Module class
   |o*TskPipeline.cppContains the implementation for the TskPipeline class
   |o*TskPipeline.hContains the declarations for the TskPipeline class and the interface for methods that are defined in the various implementations
   |o*TskPipelineManager.cppContains the implementation for the TskPipelineManager class
   |o*TskPipelineManager.hContains the declarations for the TskPipelineManager class
   |o*TskPluginModule.cppContains the implementation for the TskPluginModule class
   |o*TskReportPipeline.cppContains the implementation for the TskReportPipeline class
   |o*TskReportPipeline.hContains the interface for the TskReportPipeline class
   |\*TskReportPluginModule.cppContains the implementation for the TskReportPluginModule class
   |o*Log.hInterface and default logging infrastructure that enables applications and framework to log to a single place
   |o*TskBlackboard.hInterface for class that will implement the black board
   |o*TskBlackboardArtifact.hContains the definition for the TskBlackboardArtifact class
   |o*TskBlackboardAttribute.hContains the definition for the TskBlackboardAttribute class
   |o*TskDBBlackboard.hContains the definition for the TskDBBlackboard class
   |o*TskImgDB.cppSome common defines used by the framework data model
   |o*TskImgDBPostgreSQL.cppA PostgreSQL based implementation of the framework data access layer
   |o*TskImgDBSqlite.cppA SQLite based implementation of the framework data access layer
   |o*TskSystemProperties.cppContains the implementation of the TskSystemProperties class
   |o*TskSystemProperties.hContains the interface of the TskSystemProperties class
   |o*TskSystemPropertiesImpl.cppContains the implementation of the TskSystemPropertiesImpl class
   |\*TskSystemPropertiesImpl.hContains the interface of the TskSystemPropertiesImpl class
    o*TskException.cppContains definition of Framework exception classes
    o*TskException.hContains definition of Framework exception classes
    o*TskUtilities.cppContains common utility methods
    \*TskUtilities.hContains common utility methods

Copyright © 2011-2013 Brian Carrier. (carrier -at- sleuthkit -dot- org)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.