Autopsy  4.13.0
Graphical digital forensics platform for The Sleuth Kit and other tools.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Autopsy Forensic Browser
3  *
4  * Copyright 2011-2018 Basis Technology Corp.
5  * Contact: carrier <at> sleuthkit <dot> org
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  */
19 package org.sleuthkit.autopsy.keywordsearch;
21 import;
22 import;
23 import;
24 import java.nio.charset.Charset;
25 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
26 import java.text.Normalizer;
27 import java.util.Iterator;
28 import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
29 import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
40 @NotThreadSafe
41 class Chunker implements Iterator<Chunk>, Iterable<Chunk> {
43  //local references to standard encodings
44  private static final Charset UTF_16 = StandardCharsets.UTF_16;
45  private static final Charset UTF_8 = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
47  //Chunking algorithm paramaters-------------------------------------//
51  private static final int MAX_TOTAL_CHUNK_SIZE = 32760; //bytes
56  private static final int MINIMUM_BASE_CHUNK_SIZE = 30 * 1024; //bytes
61  private static final int MAXIMUM_BASE_CHUNK_SIZE = 31 * 1024; //bytes
66  private static final int WHITE_SPACE_BUFFER_SIZE = 512; //bytes
70  private static final int READ_CHARS_BUFFER_SIZE = 512; //chars
79  private static final int MAX_CHAR_SIZE_INCREASE_IN_BYTES = 10; //bytes
86  private final PushbackReader reader;
90  private final char[] tempChunkBuf = new char[READ_CHARS_BUFFER_SIZE];
95  private int chunkSizeBytes = 0;
102  private int lowerCasedChunkSizeBytes = 0;
107  private boolean endOfReaderReached = false;
111  private Exception ex;
118  Chunker(Reader reader) {
119  //Using MAX_TOTAL_CHUNK_SIZE is safe but probably overkill.
120  this.reader = new PushbackReader(reader, MAX_TOTAL_CHUNK_SIZE);
121  }
123  @Override
124  public Iterator<Chunk> iterator() {
125  return this;
126  }
134  boolean hasException() {
135  return ex != null;
136  }
143  public Exception getException() {
144  return ex;
145  }
147  @Override
148  public boolean hasNext() {
149  return (ex == null)
150  && (endOfReaderReached == false);
151  }
162  private static StringBuilder sanitizeToUTF8(StringBuilder sb) {
163  final int length = sb.length();
164  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
165  if (TextUtil.isValidSolrUTF8(sb.charAt(i)) == false) {
166  sb.replace(i, i + 1, "^");
167  }
168  }
169  return sb;
170  }
181  private static StringBuilder replaceInvalidUTF16(String s) {
182  /* encode the string to UTF-16 which does the replcement, see
183  * Charset.encode(), then decode back to a StringBuilder. */
184  return new StringBuilder(UTF_16.decode(UTF_16.encode(s)));
185  }
187  private static StringBuilder sanitize(String s) {
188  String normStr = Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFKC);
189  return sanitizeToUTF8(replaceInvalidUTF16(normStr));
191  }
193  @Override
194  public Chunk next() {
195  if (hasNext() == false) {
196  throw new NoSuchElementException("There are no more chunks.");
197  }
198  //reset state for the next chunk
200  chunkSizeBytes = 0;
201  lowerCasedChunkSizeBytes = 0;
202  int baseChunkSizeChars = 0;
203  StringBuilder currentChunk = new StringBuilder();
204  StringBuilder currentWindow = new StringBuilder();
205  StringBuilder lowerCasedChunk = new StringBuilder();
207  try {
208  readBaseChunk(currentChunk, lowerCasedChunk);
209  baseChunkSizeChars = currentChunk.length(); //save the base chunk length
210  readWindow(currentWindow, lowerCasedChunk);
211  //add the window text to the current chunk.
212  currentChunk.append(currentWindow);
213  if (endOfReaderReached) {
214  /* if we have reached the end of the content,we won't make
215  * another overlapping chunk, so the length of the base chunk
216  * can be extended to the end. */
217  baseChunkSizeChars = currentChunk.length();
218  } else {
219  /* otherwise we will make another chunk, so unread the window */
220  reader.unread(currentWindow.toString().toCharArray());
221  }
222  } catch (Exception ioEx) {
223  /* Save the exception, which will cause hasNext() to return false,
224  * and break any chunking loop in client code. */
225  ex = ioEx;
226  }
228  //sanitize the text and return a Chunk object, that includes the base chunk length.
229  return new Chunk(currentChunk, baseChunkSizeChars, lowerCasedChunk);
230  }
237  private void readBaseChunk(StringBuilder currentChunk, StringBuilder lowerCasedChunk) throws IOException {
238  //read the chunk until the minimum base chunk size
239  readHelper(MINIMUM_BASE_CHUNK_SIZE, currentChunk, lowerCasedChunk);
241  //keep reading until the maximum base chunk size or white space is reached.
242  readToWhiteSpaceHelper(MAXIMUM_BASE_CHUNK_SIZE, currentChunk, lowerCasedChunk);
243  }
250  private void readWindow(StringBuilder currentChunk, StringBuilder lowerCasedChunk) throws IOException {
251  //read the window, leaving some room to look for white space to break at.
252  readHelper(MAX_TOTAL_CHUNK_SIZE - WHITE_SPACE_BUFFER_SIZE, currentChunk, lowerCasedChunk);
254  //keep reading until the max chunk size, or until whitespace is reached.
255  readToWhiteSpaceHelper(MAX_TOTAL_CHUNK_SIZE, currentChunk, lowerCasedChunk);
256  }
266  private void readHelper(int maxBytes, StringBuilder currentSegment, StringBuilder currentLowerCasedSegment) throws IOException {
267  int charsRead = 0;
268  //read chars up to maxBytes, or the end of the reader.
269  while ((chunkSizeBytes < maxBytes) && (lowerCasedChunkSizeBytes < maxBytes)
270  && (endOfReaderReached == false)) {
271  charsRead =, 0, READ_CHARS_BUFFER_SIZE);
272  if (-1 == charsRead) {
273  //this is the last chunk
274  endOfReaderReached = true;
275  return;
276  } else {
277  //if the last char might be part of a surroate pair, unread it.
278  final char lastChar = tempChunkBuf[charsRead - 1];
279  if (Character.isHighSurrogate(lastChar)) {
280  charsRead--;
281  reader.unread(lastChar);
282  }
284  //cleanup any invalid utf-16 sequences
285  StringBuilder chunkSegment = sanitize(new String(tempChunkBuf, 0, charsRead));
287  //get the length in utf8 bytes of the read chars
288  int segmentSize = chunkSegment.toString().getBytes(UTF_8).length;
290  // lower case the string and get it's size. NOTE: lower casing can
291  // change the size of the string!
292  String lowerCasedSegment = chunkSegment.toString().toLowerCase();
293  int lowerCasedSegmentSize = lowerCasedSegment.getBytes(UTF_8).length;
295  //if it will not put us past maxBytes
296  if ((chunkSizeBytes + segmentSize < maxBytes) && (lowerCasedChunkSizeBytes + lowerCasedSegmentSize < maxBytes)) {
297  //add it to the chunk
298  currentSegment.append(chunkSegment);
299  chunkSizeBytes += segmentSize;
301  currentLowerCasedSegment.append(lowerCasedSegment);
302  lowerCasedChunkSizeBytes += lowerCasedSegmentSize;
303  } else {
304  //unread it, and break out of read loop.
305  reader.unread(tempChunkBuf, 0, charsRead);
306  return;
307  }
308  }
309  }
310  }
320  private void readToWhiteSpaceHelper(int maxBytes, StringBuilder currentChunk, StringBuilder lowerCasedChunk) throws IOException {
321  int charsRead = 0;
322  boolean whitespaceFound = false;
323  //read 1 char at a time up to maxBytes, whitespaceFound, or we reach the end of the reader.
324  while ((chunkSizeBytes < maxBytes - MAX_CHAR_SIZE_INCREASE_IN_BYTES)
325  && (lowerCasedChunkSizeBytes < maxBytes - MAX_CHAR_SIZE_INCREASE_IN_BYTES)
326  && (whitespaceFound == false)
327  && (endOfReaderReached == false)) {
328  charsRead =, 0, 1);
329  if (-1 == charsRead) {
330  //this is the last chunk
331  endOfReaderReached = true;
332  return;
333  } else {
334  //if the last charcter might be part of a surroate pair, read another char
335  final char ch = tempChunkBuf[0];
336  String chunkSegment;
337  if (Character.isHighSurrogate(ch)) {
338  //read another char into the buffer.
339  charsRead =, 1, 1);
340  if (charsRead == -1) {
341  //this is the last chunk, so just drop the unpaired surrogate
342  endOfReaderReached = true;
343  return;
344  } else {
345  //try to use the pair together.
346  chunkSegment = new String(tempChunkBuf, 0, 2);
347  }
348  } else {
349  //one char
350  chunkSegment = new String(tempChunkBuf, 0, 1);
351  }
353  //cleanup any invalid utf-16 sequences
354  StringBuilder sanitizedChunkSegment = sanitize(chunkSegment);
355  //check for whitespace.
356  whitespaceFound = Character.isWhitespace(sanitizedChunkSegment.codePointAt(0));
357  //add read chars to the chunk and update the length.
358  currentChunk.append(sanitizedChunkSegment);
359  chunkSizeBytes += sanitizedChunkSegment.toString().getBytes(UTF_8).length;
361  // lower case the string and get it's size. NOTE: lower casing can
362  // change the size of the string.
363  String lowerCasedSegment = sanitizedChunkSegment.toString().toLowerCase();
364  lowerCasedChunk.append(lowerCasedSegment);
365  lowerCasedChunkSizeBytes += lowerCasedSegment.getBytes(UTF_8).length;
366  }
367  }
368  }
374  static class Chunk {
376  private final StringBuilder sb;
377  private final int baseChunkSizeChars;
378  private final StringBuilder lowerCasedChunk;
380  Chunk(StringBuilder sb, int baseChunkSizeChars, StringBuilder lowerCasedChunk) {
381 = sb;
382  this.baseChunkSizeChars = baseChunkSizeChars;
383  this.lowerCasedChunk = lowerCasedChunk;
384  }
391  @Override
392  public String toString() {
393  return sb.toString();
394  }
401  public String geLowerCasedChunk() {
402  return lowerCasedChunk.toString();
403  }
410  int getBaseChunkLength() {
411  return baseChunkSizeChars;
412  }
413  }
414 }

Copyright © 2012-2019 Basis Technology. Generated on: Tue Jan 7 2020
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.