The Sleuth Kit Framework  4.1
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SectorRuns Class Reference

Stores a list of runs (which have a starting sector and length). More...

#include <SectorRuns.h>

Public Member Functions

int addRun (uint64_t start, uint64_t len, int vol_id)
 Add a run to the list. More...
int getData (uint64_t offset, int len, char *buffer) const
 Read data in the current entry into the buffer. More...
uint64_t getDataLen () const
 Get the length of the current entry. More...
uint64_t getDataStart () const
 Get starting address of current entry. More...
int getVolID () const
 Get volume id of current entry. More...
int next ()
 Advances internal pointer to next run. More...
void reset ()
 reset so that the next get() returns data on the first entry.

Detailed Description

Stores a list of runs (which have a starting sector and length).

Can be used to store information about a file, unused areas of an image, or ...

Member Function Documentation

int SectorRuns::addRun ( uint64_t  a_start,
uint64_t  a_len,
int  a_vol_id 

Add a run to the list.

a_startStarting sector address relative to start of image file
a_lenLength of run in sectors.
a_vol_idVolume ID that run is located in
-1 on error

References TskServices::getLog(), TskServices::Instance(), and Log::logError().

Referenced by TskImgDBSqlite::getFreeSectors(), and TskImgDBPostgreSQL::getFreeSectors().

int SectorRuns::getData ( uint64_t  a_offsetSect,
int  a_lenSect,
char *  a_buffer 
) const

Read data in the current entry into the buffer.

a_offsetSectSector offset to start reading from (relative to start of current sector run)
a_lenSectNumber of sectors to read
a_bufferBuffer to read into (must be of size a_len * 512 or larger)
-1 on error or number of sectors read

References TskServices::getImageFile(), TskImageFile::getSectorData(), and TskServices::Instance().

uint64_t SectorRuns::getDataLen ( ) const

Get the length of the current entry.

length of run in sectors
uint64_t SectorRuns::getDataStart ( ) const

Get starting address of current entry.

start of run in sectors
int SectorRuns::getVolID ( ) const

Get volume id of current entry.

volume ID of run in sectors
int SectorRuns::next ( )

Advances internal pointer to next run.

-1 when at end of list

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Copyright © 2011-2013 Brian Carrier. (carrier -at- sleuthkit -dot- org)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.