Autopsy  4.1
Graphical digital forensics platform for The Sleuth Kit and other tools.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Autopsy Forensic Browser
3  *
4  * Copyright 2011-2016 Basis Technology Corp.
5  * Contact: carrier <at> sleuthkit <dot> org
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  */
19 package org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest;
21 import;
22 import;
23 import;
24 import;
25 import java.nio.file.Files;
26 import java.nio.file.Path;
27 import java.nio.file.Paths;
28 import java.util.ArrayList;
29 import java.util.Collections;
30 import java.util.HashSet;
31 import java.util.List;
32 import java.util.logging.Level;
33 import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
34 import;
35 import;
36 import org.python.util.PythonObjectInputStream;
47 public class IngestJobSettings {
49  private static final String ENABLED_MODULES_KEY = "Enabled_Ingest_Modules"; //NON-NLS
50  private static final String DISABLED_MODULES_KEY = "Disabled_Ingest_Modules"; //NON-NLS
51  private static final String PARSE_UNALLOC_SPACE_KEY = "Process_Unallocated_Space"; //NON-NLS
52  private static final String PROCESS_UNALLOC_SPACE_DEFAULT = "true"; //NON-NLS
53  private static final String MODULE_SETTINGS_FOLDER = "IngestModuleSettings"; //NON-NLS
54  private static final String MODULE_SETTINGS_FOLDER_PATH = Paths.get(PlatformUtil.getUserConfigDirectory(), IngestJobSettings.MODULE_SETTINGS_FOLDER).toAbsolutePath().toString();
55  private static final String MODULE_SETTINGS_FILE_EXT = ".settings"; //NON-NLS
56  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(IngestJobSettings.class.getName());
57  private final String executionContext;
58  private final IngestType ingestType;
59  private String moduleSettingsFolderPath;
60  private static final CharSequence pythonModuleSettingsPrefixCS = "org.python.proxies.".subSequence(0, "org.python.proxies.".length() - 1); //NON-NLS
61  private final List<IngestModuleTemplate> moduleTemplates;
62  private boolean processUnallocatedSpace;
63  private final List<String> warnings;
68  public enum IngestType {
82  }
92  public IngestJobSettings(String executionContext) {
93  this.executionContext = executionContext;
94  this.ingestType = IngestType.ALL_MODULES;
95  this.moduleTemplates = new ArrayList<>();
96  this.processUnallocatedSpace = Boolean.parseBoolean(IngestJobSettings.PROCESS_UNALLOC_SPACE_DEFAULT);
97  this.warnings = new ArrayList<>();
99  this.load();
100  }
111  public IngestJobSettings(String context, IngestType ingestType) {
112  this.ingestType = ingestType;
114  if (this.ingestType.equals(IngestType.ALL_MODULES)) {
115  this.executionContext = context;
116  } else {
117  this.executionContext = context + "." +;
118  }
120  this.moduleTemplates = new ArrayList<>();
121  this.processUnallocatedSpace = Boolean.parseBoolean(IngestJobSettings.PROCESS_UNALLOC_SPACE_DEFAULT);
122  this.warnings = new ArrayList<>();
124  this.load();
125  }
130  public void save() {
132  }
142  String getExecutionContext() {
143  return this.executionContext;
144  }
152  public List<String> getWarnings() {
153  List<String> warningMessages = new ArrayList<>(this.warnings);
154  this.warnings.clear();
155  return warningMessages;
156  }
163  List<IngestModuleTemplate> getIngestModuleTemplates() {
164  return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.moduleTemplates);
165  }
173  List<IngestModuleTemplate> getEnabledIngestModuleTemplates() {
174  List<IngestModuleTemplate> enabledModuleTemplates = new ArrayList<>();
175  for (IngestModuleTemplate moduleTemplate : this.moduleTemplates) {
176  if (moduleTemplate.isEnabled()) {
177  enabledModuleTemplates.add(moduleTemplate);
178  }
179  }
180  return enabledModuleTemplates;
181  }
188  void setIngestModuleTemplates(List<IngestModuleTemplate> moduleTemplates) {
189  this.moduleTemplates.clear();
190  this.moduleTemplates.addAll(moduleTemplates);
191  }
199  boolean getProcessUnallocatedSpace() {
200  return this.processUnallocatedSpace;
201  }
208  void setProcessUnallocatedSpace(boolean processUnallocatedSpace) {
209  this.processUnallocatedSpace = processUnallocatedSpace;
210  }
218  return Paths.get(IngestJobSettings.MODULE_SETTINGS_FOLDER_PATH, executionContext);
219  }
226  try {
227  Path folder = getSavedModuleSettingsFolder();
228  Files.createDirectories(folder);
229  this.moduleSettingsFolderPath = folder.toAbsolutePath().toString();
230  } catch (IOException | SecurityException ex) {
231  logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to create ingest module settings directory " + this.moduleSettingsFolderPath, ex); //NON-NLS
232  this.warnings.add(NbBundle.getMessage(IngestJobSettings.class, "IngestJobSettings.createModuleSettingsFolder.warning")); //NON-NLS
233  }
234  }
239  private void load() {
244  List<IngestModuleFactory> moduleFactories = new ArrayList<>();
245  List<IngestModuleFactory> allModuleFactories = IngestModuleFactoryLoader.getIngestModuleFactories();
246  HashSet<String> loadedModuleNames = new HashSet<>();
248  // Add modules that are going to be used for this ingest depending on type.
249  for (IngestModuleFactory moduleFactory : allModuleFactories) {
250  if (this.ingestType.equals(IngestType.ALL_MODULES)) {
251  moduleFactories.add(moduleFactory);
252  } else if (this.ingestType.equals(IngestType.DATA_SOURCE_ONLY) && moduleFactory.isDataSourceIngestModuleFactory()) {
253  moduleFactories.add(moduleFactory);
254  } else if (this.ingestType.equals(IngestType.FILES_ONLY) && moduleFactory.isFileIngestModuleFactory()) {
255  moduleFactories.add(moduleFactory);
256  }
257  }
259  for (IngestModuleFactory moduleFactory : moduleFactories) {
260  loadedModuleNames.add(moduleFactory.getModuleDisplayName());
261  }
267  HashSet<String> enabledModuleNames = getModulesNamesFromSetting(IngestJobSettings.ENABLED_MODULES_KEY, makeCommaSeparatedValuesList(loadedModuleNames));
268  HashSet<String> disabledModuleNames = getModulesNamesFromSetting(IngestJobSettings.DISABLED_MODULES_KEY, ""); //NON-NLS
273  List<String> missingModuleNames = new ArrayList<>();
274  for (String moduleName : enabledModuleNames) {
275  if (!loadedModuleNames.contains(moduleName)) {
276  missingModuleNames.add(moduleName);
277  }
278  }
279  for (String moduleName : disabledModuleNames) {
280  if (!loadedModuleNames.contains(moduleName)) {
281  missingModuleNames.add(moduleName);
282  }
283  }
284  for (String moduleName : missingModuleNames) {
285  enabledModuleNames.remove(moduleName);
286  disabledModuleNames.remove(moduleName);
287  String warning = NbBundle.getMessage(IngestJobSettings.class, "IngestJobSettings.missingModule.warning", moduleName); //NON-NLS
288  logger.log(Level.WARNING, warning);
289  this.warnings.add(warning);
290  }
296  for (IngestModuleFactory moduleFactory : moduleFactories) {
297  IngestModuleTemplate moduleTemplate = new IngestModuleTemplate(moduleFactory, loadModuleSettings(moduleFactory));
298  String moduleName = moduleTemplate.getModuleName();
299  if (enabledModuleNames.contains(moduleName)) {
300  moduleTemplate.setEnabled(true);
301  } else if (disabledModuleNames.contains(moduleName)) {
302  moduleTemplate.setEnabled(false);
303  } else {
304  // The module factory was loaded, but the module name does not
305  // appear in the enabled/disabled module settings. Treat the
306  // module as a new module and enable it by default.
307  moduleTemplate.setEnabled(true);
308  enabledModuleNames.add(moduleName);
309  }
310  this.moduleTemplates.add(moduleTemplate);
311  }
320  // Get the process unallocated space flag setting. If the setting does
321  // not exist yet, default it to true.
322  if (ModuleSettings.settingExists(this.executionContext, IngestJobSettings.PARSE_UNALLOC_SPACE_KEY) == false) {
324  }
325  this.processUnallocatedSpace = Boolean.parseBoolean(ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting(this.executionContext, IngestJobSettings.PARSE_UNALLOC_SPACE_KEY));
326  }
336  private HashSet<String> getModulesNamesFromSetting(String key, String defaultSetting) {
337  if (ModuleSettings.settingExists(this.executionContext, key) == false) {
338  ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting(this.executionContext, key, defaultSetting);
339  }
340  HashSet<String> moduleNames = new HashSet<>();
341  String modulesSetting = ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting(this.executionContext, key);
342  if (!modulesSetting.isEmpty()) {
343  String[] settingNames = modulesSetting.split(", ");
344  for (String name : settingNames) {
345  // Map some old core module names to the current core module names.
346  switch (name) {
347  case "Thunderbird Parser": //NON-NLS
348  case "MBox Parser": //NON-NLS
349  moduleNames.add("Email Parser"); //NON-NLS
350  break;
351  case "File Extension Mismatch Detection": //NON-NLS
352  moduleNames.add("Extension Mismatch Detector"); //NON-NLS
353  break;
354  case "EWF Verify": //NON-NLS
355  case "E01 Verify": //NON-NLS
356  moduleNames.add("E01 Verifier"); //NON-NLS
357  break;
358  case "Archive Extractor": //NON-NLS
359  moduleNames.add("Embedded File Extractor"); //NON-NLS
360  break;
361  default:
362  moduleNames.add(name);
363  }
364  }
365  }
366  return moduleNames;
367  }
379  private boolean isPythonModuleSettingsFile(String moduleSettingsFilePath) {
380  return moduleSettingsFilePath.contains(pythonModuleSettingsPrefixCS);
381  }
392  IngestModuleIngestJobSettings settings = null;
393  String moduleSettingsFilePath = getModuleSettingsFilePath(factory);
394  File settingsFile = new File(moduleSettingsFilePath);
395  if (settingsFile.exists()) {
396  if (!isPythonModuleSettingsFile(moduleSettingsFilePath)) {
397  try (NbObjectInputStream in = new NbObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(settingsFile.getAbsolutePath()))) {
398  settings = (IngestModuleIngestJobSettings) in.readObject();
399  } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex) {
400  String warning = NbBundle.getMessage(IngestJobSettings.class, "IngestJobSettings.moduleSettingsLoad.warning", factory.getModuleDisplayName(), this.executionContext); //NON-NLS
401  logger.log(Level.WARNING, warning, ex);
402  this.warnings.add(warning);
403  }
404  } else {
405  try (PythonObjectInputStream in = new PythonObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(settingsFile.getAbsolutePath()))) {
406  settings = (IngestModuleIngestJobSettings) in.readObject();
407  } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException exception) {
408  String warning = NbBundle.getMessage(IngestJobSettings.class, "IngestJobSettings.moduleSettingsLoad.warning", factory.getModuleDisplayName(), this.executionContext); //NON-NLS
409  logger.log(Level.WARNING, warning, exception);
410  this.warnings.add(warning);
411  }
412  }
413  }
414  if (settings == null) {
415  settings = factory.getDefaultIngestJobSettings();
416  }
417  return settings;
418  }
429  String fileName = factory.getClass().getCanonicalName() + IngestJobSettings.MODULE_SETTINGS_FILE_EXT;
430  Path path = Paths.get(this.moduleSettingsFolderPath, fileName);
431  return path.toAbsolutePath().toString();
432  }
437  private void store() {
441  HashSet<String> enabledModuleNames = new HashSet<>();
442  HashSet<String> disabledModuleNames = new HashSet<>();
443  for (IngestModuleTemplate moduleTemplate : moduleTemplates) {
444  saveModuleSettings(moduleTemplate.getModuleFactory(), moduleTemplate.getModuleSettings());
445  String moduleName = moduleTemplate.getModuleName();
446  if (moduleTemplate.isEnabled()) {
447  enabledModuleNames.add(moduleName);
448  } else {
449  disabledModuleNames.add(moduleName);
450  }
451  }
452  ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting(this.executionContext, ENABLED_MODULES_KEY, makeCommaSeparatedValuesList(enabledModuleNames));
453  ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting(this.executionContext, DISABLED_MODULES_KEY, makeCommaSeparatedValuesList(disabledModuleNames));
458  String processUnalloc = Boolean.toString(this.processUnallocatedSpace);
459  ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting(this.executionContext, PARSE_UNALLOC_SPACE_KEY, processUnalloc);
460  }
470  String moduleSettingsFilePath = Paths.get(this.moduleSettingsFolderPath, FactoryClassNameNormalizer.normalize(factory.getClass().getCanonicalName()) + MODULE_SETTINGS_FILE_EXT).toString();
471  try (NbObjectOutputStream out = new NbObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(moduleSettingsFilePath))) {
472  out.writeObject(settings);
473  } catch (IOException ex) {
474  String warning = NbBundle.getMessage(IngestJobSettings.class, "IngestJobSettings.moduleSettingsSave.warning", factory.getModuleDisplayName(), this.executionContext); //NON-NLS
475  logger.log(Level.SEVERE, warning, ex);
476  this.warnings.add(warning);
477  }
478  }
488  private static String makeCommaSeparatedValuesList(HashSet<String> input) {
489  if (input == null || input.isEmpty()) {
490  return "";
491  }
493  ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
494  list.addAll(input);
495  StringBuilder csvList = new StringBuilder();
496  for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; ++i) {
497  csvList.append(list.get(i)).append(", ");
498  }
499  csvList.append(list.get(list.size() - 1));
500  return csvList.toString();
501  }
503 }
void saveModuleSettings(IngestModuleFactory factory, IngestModuleIngestJobSettings settings)
static String makeCommaSeparatedValuesList(HashSet< String > input)
IngestModuleIngestJobSettings getDefaultIngestJobSettings()
HashSet< String > getModulesNamesFromSetting(String key, String defaultSetting)
final List< IngestModuleTemplate > moduleTemplates
static synchronized void setConfigSetting(String moduleName, String settingName, String settingVal)
IngestModuleIngestJobSettings loadModuleSettings(IngestModuleFactory factory)
String getModuleSettingsFilePath(IngestModuleFactory factory)
static String getConfigSetting(String moduleName, String settingName)
synchronized static Logger getLogger(String name)
boolean isPythonModuleSettingsFile(String moduleSettingsFilePath)
static boolean settingExists(String moduleName, String settingName)
IngestJobSettings(String context, IngestType ingestType)

Copyright © 2012-2016 Basis Technology. Generated on: Tue Oct 25 2016
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.