Autopsy  4.0
Graphical digital forensics platform for The Sleuth Kit and other tools.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Autopsy Forensic Browser
3  *
4  * Copyright 2013-15 Basis Technology Corp.
5  * Contact: carrier <at> sleuthkit <dot> org
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  */
19 package org.sleuthkit.autopsy.timeline.db;
21 import;
22 import;
23 import java.nio.file.Paths;
24 import java.sql.Connection;
25 import java.sql.DriverManager;
26 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
27 import java.sql.ResultSet;
28 import java.sql.SQLException;
29 import java.sql.Statement;
30 import java.sql.Types;
31 import java.util.ArrayList;
32 import java.util.Arrays;
33 import java.util.Collection;
34 import java.util.Collections;
35 import java.util.Comparator;
36 import java.util.HashMap;
37 import java.util.HashSet;
38 import java.util.Iterator;
39 import java.util.List;
40 import java.util.Map;
41 import java.util.Objects;
42 import java.util.Set;
43 import java.util.TimeZone;
44 import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
45 import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
46 import java.util.logging.Level;
47 import;
48 import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
49 import javax.annotation.Nullable;
50 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
51 import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
52 import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
53 import org.joda.time.Interval;
54 import org.joda.time.Period;
65 import static org.sleuthkit.autopsy.timeline.db.SQLHelper.useHashHitTablesHelper;
66 import static org.sleuthkit.autopsy.timeline.db.SQLHelper.useTagTablesHelper;
73 import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.SleuthkitCase;
74 import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.Tag;
75 import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskData;
76 import org.sqlite.SQLiteJDBCLoader;
85 public class EventDB {
87  private static final org.sleuthkit.autopsy.coreutils.Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(EventDB.class.getName());
89  static {
90  //make sure sqlite driver is loaded, possibly redundant
91  try {
92  Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC"); // NON-NLS
93  } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
94  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to load sqlite JDBC driver", ex); // NON-NLS
95  }
96  }
107  public static EventDB getEventDB(Case autoCase) {
108  try {
109  return new EventDB(autoCase);
110  } catch (SQLException ex) {
111  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "sql error creating database connection", ex); // NON-NLS
112  return null;
113  } catch (Exception ex) {
114  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "error creating database connection", ex); // NON-NLS
115  return null;
116  }
117  }
119  private volatile Connection con;
121  private final String dbPath;
123  private PreparedStatement getEventByIDStmt;
124  private PreparedStatement getMaxTimeStmt;
125  private PreparedStatement getMinTimeStmt;
126  private PreparedStatement getDataSourceIDsStmt;
127  private PreparedStatement getHashSetNamesStmt;
128  private PreparedStatement insertRowStmt;
129  private PreparedStatement insertHashSetStmt;
130  private PreparedStatement insertHashHitStmt;
131  private PreparedStatement insertTagStmt;
132  private PreparedStatement deleteTagStmt;
133  private PreparedStatement selectHashSetStmt;
134  private PreparedStatement countAllEventsStmt;
135  private PreparedStatement dropEventsTableStmt;
136  private PreparedStatement dropHashSetHitsTableStmt;
137  private PreparedStatement dropHashSetsTableStmt;
138  private PreparedStatement dropTagsTableStmt;
139  private PreparedStatement dropDBInfoTableStmt;
140  private PreparedStatement selectNonArtifactEventIDsByObjectIDStmt;
141  private PreparedStatement selectEventIDsBYObjectAndArtifactIDStmt;
143  private final Set<PreparedStatement> preparedStatements = new HashSet<>();
145  private final Lock DBLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true).writeLock(); //using exclusive lock for all db ops for now
147  private EventDB(Case autoCase) throws SQLException, Exception {
148  //should this go into module output (or even cache, we should be able to rebuild it)?
149  this.dbPath = Paths.get(autoCase.getCaseDirectory(), "events.db").toString(); //NON-NLS
150  initializeDB();
151  }
153  @Override
154  public void finalize() throws Throwable {
155  try {
156  closeDBCon();
157  } finally {
158  super.finalize();
159  }
160  }
162  void closeDBCon() {
163  if (con != null) {
164  try {
165  closeStatements();
166  con.close();
167  } catch (SQLException ex) {
168  LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to close connection to evetns.db", ex); // NON-NLS
169  }
170  }
171  con = null;
172  }
174  public Interval getSpanningInterval(Collection<Long> eventIDs) {
175  DBLock.lock();
176  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
177  ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT Min(time), Max(time) FROM events WHERE event_id IN (" + StringUtils.join(eventIDs, ", ") + ")");) { // NON-NLS
178  while ( {
179  return new Interval(rs.getLong("Min(time)") * 1000, (rs.getLong("Max(time)") + 1) * 1000, DateTimeZone.UTC); // NON-NLS
180  }
181  } catch (SQLException ex) {
182  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error executing get spanning interval query.", ex); // NON-NLS
183  } finally {
184  DBLock.unlock();
185  }
186  return null;
187  }
189  EventTransaction beginTransaction() {
190  return new EventTransaction();
191  }
193  void commitTransaction(EventTransaction tr) {
194  if (tr.isClosed()) {
195  throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't close already closed transaction"); // NON-NLS
196  }
197  tr.commit();
198  }
204  int countAllEvents() {
205  DBLock.lock();
206  try (ResultSet rs = countAllEventsStmt.executeQuery()) { // NON-NLS
207  while ( {
208  return rs.getInt("count"); // NON-NLS
209  }
210  } catch (SQLException ex) {
211  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error counting all events", ex); //NON-NLS
212  } finally {
213  DBLock.unlock();
214  }
215  return -1;
216  }
227  Map<EventType, Long> countEventsByType(ZoomParams params) {
228  if (params.getTimeRange() != null) {
229  return countEventsByType(params.getTimeRange().getStartMillis() / 1000,
230  params.getTimeRange().getEndMillis() / 1000,
231  params.getFilter(), params.getTypeZoomLevel());
232  } else {
233  return Collections.emptyMap();
234  }
235  }
245  Map<String, Long> getTagCountsByTagName(Set<Long> eventIDsWithTags) {
246  HashMap<String, Long> counts = new HashMap<>();
247  DBLock.lock();
248  try (Statement createStatement = con.createStatement();
249  ResultSet rs = createStatement.executeQuery("SELECT tag_name_display_name, COUNT(DISTINCT tag_id) AS count FROM tags" //NON-NLS
250  + " WHERE event_id IN (" + StringUtils.join(eventIDsWithTags, ", ") + ")" //NON-NLS
251  + " GROUP BY tag_name_id" //NON-NLS
252  + " ORDER BY tag_name_display_name");) { //NON-NLS
253  while ( {
254  counts.put(rs.getString("tag_name_display_name"), rs.getLong("count")); //NON-NLS
255  }
256  } catch (SQLException ex) {
257  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get tag counts by tag name.", ex); //NON-NLS
258  } finally {
259  DBLock.unlock();
260  }
261  return counts;
262  }
268  void reInitializeDB() {
269  DBLock.lock();
270  try {
271  dropEventsTableStmt.executeUpdate();
272  dropHashSetHitsTableStmt.executeUpdate();
273  dropHashSetsTableStmt.executeUpdate();
274  dropTagsTableStmt.executeUpdate();
275  dropDBInfoTableStmt.executeUpdate();
276  initializeDB();
277  } catch (SQLException ex) {
278  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "could not drop old tables", ex); // NON-NLS
279  } finally {
280  DBLock.unlock();
281  }
282  }
288  void reInitializeTags() {
289  DBLock.lock();
290  try {
291  dropTagsTableStmt.executeUpdate();
293  } catch (SQLException ex) {
294  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "could not drop old tags table", ex); // NON-NLS
295  } finally {
296  DBLock.unlock();
297  }
298  }
300  Interval getBoundingEventsInterval(Interval timeRange, RootFilter filter) {
301  long start = timeRange.getStartMillis() / 1000;
302  long end = timeRange.getEndMillis() / 1000;
303  final String sqlWhere = SQLHelper.getSQLWhere(filter);
304  DBLock.lock();
305  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); //can't use prepared statement because of complex where clause
306  ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(" SELECT (SELECT Max(time) FROM events " + useHashHitTablesHelper(filter) + useTagTablesHelper(filter) + " WHERE time <=" + start + " AND " + sqlWhere + ") AS start," //NON-NLS
307  + "(SELECT Min(time) FROM events" + useHashHitTablesHelper(filter) + useTagTablesHelper(filter) + " WHERE time >= " + end + " AND " + sqlWhere + ") AS end")) { // NON-NLS
308  while ( {
310  long start2 = rs.getLong("start"); // NON-NLS
311  long end2 = rs.getLong("end"); // NON-NLS
313  if (end2 == 0) {
314  end2 = getMaxTime();
315  }
316  return new Interval(start2 * 1000, (end2 + 1) * 1000, TimeLineController.getJodaTimeZone());
317  }
318  } catch (SQLException ex) {
319  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get MIN time.", ex); // NON-NLS
320  } finally {
321  DBLock.unlock();
322  }
323  return null;
324  }
326  TimeLineEvent getEventById(Long eventID) {
327  TimeLineEvent result = null;
328  DBLock.lock();
329  try {
330  getEventByIDStmt.clearParameters();
331  getEventByIDStmt.setLong(1, eventID);
332  try (ResultSet rs = getEventByIDStmt.executeQuery()) {
333  while ( {
334  result = constructTimeLineEvent(rs);
335  break;
336  }
337  }
338  } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
339  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "exception while querying for event with id = " + eventID, sqlEx); // NON-NLS
340  } finally {
341  DBLock.unlock();
342  }
343  return result;
344  }
346  Set<Long> getEventIDs(Interval timeRange, RootFilter filter) {
347  return getEventIDs(timeRange.getStartMillis() / 1000, timeRange.getEndMillis() / 1000, filter);
348  }
350  Set<Long> getEventIDs(Long startTime, Long endTime, RootFilter filter) {
351  if (Objects.equals(startTime, endTime)) {
352  endTime++;
353  }
354  Set<Long> resultIDs = new HashSet<>();
356  DBLock.lock();
357  final String query = "SELECT events.event_id AS event_id FROM events" + useHashHitTablesHelper(filter) + useTagTablesHelper(filter) + " WHERE time >= " + startTime + " AND time <" + endTime + " AND " + SQLHelper.getSQLWhere(filter); // NON-NLS
358  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
359  ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query)) {
360  while ( {
361  resultIDs.add(rs.getLong("event_id")); //NON-NLS
362  }
364  } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
365  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "failed to execute query for event ids in range", sqlEx); // NON-NLS
366  } finally {
367  DBLock.unlock();
368  }
370  return resultIDs;
371  }
377  boolean hasNewColumns() {
379  && (getDataSourceIDs().isEmpty() == false);
380  }
382  Set<Long> getDataSourceIDs() {
383  HashSet<Long> hashSet = new HashSet<>();
384  DBLock.lock();
385  try (ResultSet rs = getDataSourceIDsStmt.executeQuery()) {
386  while ( {
387  long datasourceID = rs.getLong("datasource_id"); //NON-NLS
388  hashSet.add(datasourceID);
389  }
390  } catch (SQLException ex) {
391  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get MAX time.", ex); // NON-NLS
392  } finally {
393  DBLock.unlock();
394  }
395  return hashSet;
396  }
398  Map<Long, String> getHashSetNames() {
399  Map<Long, String> hashSets = new HashMap<>();
400  DBLock.lock();
401  try (ResultSet rs = getHashSetNamesStmt.executeQuery();) {
402  while ( {
403  long hashSetID = rs.getLong("hash_set_id"); //NON-NLS
404  String hashSetName = rs.getString("hash_set_name"); //NON-NLS
405  hashSets.put(hashSetID, hashSetName);
406  }
407  } catch (SQLException ex) {
408  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get hash sets.", ex); // NON-NLS
409  } finally {
410  DBLock.unlock();
411  }
412  return Collections.unmodifiableMap(hashSets);
413  }
415  void analyze() {
416  DBLock.lock();
417  try (Statement createStatement = con.createStatement()) {
418  boolean b = createStatement.execute("analyze; analyze sqlite_master;"); //NON-NLS
419  } catch (SQLException ex) {
420  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to analyze events db.", ex); // NON-NLS
421  } finally {
422  DBLock.unlock();
423  }
424  }
429  Long getMaxTime() {
430  DBLock.lock();
431  try (ResultSet rs = getMaxTimeStmt.executeQuery()) {
432  while ( {
433  return rs.getLong("max"); // NON-NLS
434  }
435  } catch (SQLException ex) {
436  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get MAX time.", ex); // NON-NLS
437  } finally {
438  DBLock.unlock();
439  }
440  return -1l;
441  }
446  Long getMinTime() {
447  DBLock.lock();
448  try (ResultSet rs = getMinTimeStmt.executeQuery()) {
449  while ( {
450  return rs.getLong("min"); // NON-NLS
451  }
452  } catch (SQLException ex) {
453  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get MIN time.", ex); // NON-NLS
454  } finally {
455  DBLock.unlock();
456  }
457  return -1l;
458  }
466  final synchronized void initializeDB() {
468  try {
469  if (con == null || con.isClosed()) {
470  con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + dbPath); // NON-NLS
471  }
472  } catch (SQLException ex) {
473  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to open connection to events.db", ex); // NON-NLS
474  return;
475  }
476  try {
477  configureDB();
478  } catch (SQLException ex) {
479  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "problem accessing database", ex); // NON-NLS
480  return;
481  }
483  DBLock.lock();
484  try {
485  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
486  String sql = "CREATE TABLE if not exists db_info " // NON-NLS
487  + " ( key TEXT, " // NON-NLS
488  + " value INTEGER, " // NON-NLS
489  + "PRIMARY KEY (key))"; // NON-NLS
490  stmt.execute(sql);
491  } catch (SQLException ex) {
492  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "problem creating db_info table", ex); // NON-NLS
493  }
495  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
496  String sql = "CREATE TABLE if not exists events " // NON-NLS
497  + " (event_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " // NON-NLS
498  + " datasource_id INTEGER, " // NON-NLS
499  + " file_id INTEGER, " // NON-NLS
500  + " artifact_id INTEGER, " // NON-NLS
501  + " time INTEGER, " // NON-NLS
502  + " sub_type INTEGER, " // NON-NLS
503  + " base_type INTEGER, " // NON-NLS
504  + " full_description TEXT, " // NON-NLS
505  + " med_description TEXT, " // NON-NLS
506  + " short_description TEXT, " // NON-NLS
507  + " known_state INTEGER," //boolean // NON-NLS
508  + " hash_hit INTEGER," //boolean // NON-NLS
509  + " tagged INTEGER)"; //boolean // NON-NLS
510  stmt.execute(sql);
511  } catch (SQLException ex) {
512  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "problem creating database table", ex); // NON-NLS
513  }
515  if (hasDataSourceIDColumn() == false) {
516  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
517  String sql = "ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN datasource_id INTEGER"; // NON-NLS
518  stmt.execute(sql);
519  } catch (SQLException ex) {
520  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "problem upgrading events table", ex); // NON-NLS
521  }
522  }
523  if (hasTaggedColumn() == false) {
524  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
525  String sql = "ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN tagged INTEGER"; // NON-NLS
526  stmt.execute(sql);
527  } catch (SQLException ex) {
528  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "problem upgrading events table", ex); // NON-NLS
529  }
530  }
532  if (hasHashHitColumn() == false) {
533  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
534  String sql = "ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN hash_hit INTEGER"; // NON-NLS
535  stmt.execute(sql);
536  } catch (SQLException ex) {
537  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "problem upgrading events table", ex); // NON-NLS
538  }
539  }
541  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
542  String sql = "CREATE TABLE if not exists hash_sets " //NON-NLS
543  + "( hash_set_id INTEGER primary key," //NON-NLS
544  + " hash_set_name VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE NOT NULL)"; //NON-NLS
545  stmt.execute(sql);
546  } catch (SQLException ex) {
547  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "problem creating hash_sets table", ex); //NON-NLS
548  }
550  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
551  String sql = "CREATE TABLE if not exists hash_set_hits " //NON-NLS
552  + "(hash_set_id INTEGER REFERENCES hash_sets(hash_set_id) not null, " //NON-NLS
553  + " event_id INTEGER REFERENCES events(event_id) not null, " //NON-NLS
554  + " PRIMARY KEY (hash_set_id, event_id))"; //NON-NLS
555  stmt.execute(sql);
556  } catch (SQLException ex) {
557  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "problem creating hash_set_hits table", ex); //NON-NLS
558  }
562  createIndex("events", Arrays.asList("datasource_id")); //NON-NLS
563  createIndex("events", Arrays.asList("event_id", "hash_hit")); //NON-NLS
564  createIndex("events", Arrays.asList("event_id", "tagged")); //NON-NLS
565  createIndex("events", Arrays.asList("file_id")); //NON-NLS
566  createIndex("events", Arrays.asList("artifact_id")); //NON-NLS
567  createIndex("events", Arrays.asList("sub_type", "short_description", "time")); //NON-NLS
568  createIndex("events", Arrays.asList("base_type", "short_description", "time")); //NON-NLS
569  createIndex("events", Arrays.asList("time")); //NON-NLS
570  createIndex("events", Arrays.asList("known_state")); //NON-NLS
572  try {
573  insertRowStmt = prepareStatement(
574  "INSERT INTO events (datasource_id,file_id ,artifact_id, time, sub_type, base_type, full_description, med_description, short_description, known_state, hash_hit, tagged) " // NON-NLS
575  + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); // NON-NLS
576  getHashSetNamesStmt = prepareStatement("SELECT hash_set_id, hash_set_name FROM hash_sets"); // NON-NLS
577  getDataSourceIDsStmt = prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT datasource_id FROM events WHERE datasource_id != 0"); // NON-NLS
578  getMaxTimeStmt = prepareStatement("SELECT Max(time) AS max FROM events"); // NON-NLS
579  getMinTimeStmt = prepareStatement("SELECT Min(time) AS min FROM events"); // NON-NLS
580  getEventByIDStmt = prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM events WHERE event_id = ?"); // NON-NLS
581  insertHashSetStmt = prepareStatement("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO hash_sets (hash_set_name) values (?)"); //NON-NLS
582  selectHashSetStmt = prepareStatement("SELECT hash_set_id FROM hash_sets WHERE hash_set_name = ?"); //NON-NLS
583  insertHashHitStmt = prepareStatement("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO hash_set_hits (hash_set_id, event_id) values (?,?)"); //NON-NLS
584  insertTagStmt = prepareStatement("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tags (tag_id, tag_name_id,tag_name_display_name, event_id) values (?,?,?,?)"); //NON-NLS
585  deleteTagStmt = prepareStatement("DELETE FROM tags WHERE tag_id = ?"); //NON-NLS
586  countAllEventsStmt = prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM events"); //NON-NLS
587  dropEventsTableStmt = prepareStatement("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS events"); //NON-NLS
588  dropHashSetHitsTableStmt = prepareStatement("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hash_set_hits"); //NON-NLS
589  dropHashSetsTableStmt = prepareStatement("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hash_sets"); //NON-NLS
590  dropTagsTableStmt = prepareStatement("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tags"); //NON-NLS
591  dropDBInfoTableStmt = prepareStatement("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS db_ino"); //NON-NLS
592  selectNonArtifactEventIDsByObjectIDStmt = prepareStatement("SELECT event_id FROM events WHERE file_id == ? AND artifact_id IS NULL"); //NON-NLS
593  selectEventIDsBYObjectAndArtifactIDStmt = prepareStatement("SELECT event_id FROM events WHERE file_id == ? AND artifact_id = ?"); //NON-NLS
594  } catch (SQLException sQLException) {
595  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "failed to prepareStatment", sQLException); // NON-NLS
596  }
597  } finally {
598  DBLock.unlock();
599  }
600  }
606  private void initializeTagsTable() {
607  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
608  String sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tags " //NON-NLS
609  + "(tag_id INTEGER NOT NULL," //NON-NLS
610  + " tag_name_id INTEGER NOT NULL, " //NON-NLS
611  + " tag_name_display_name TEXT NOT NULL, " //NON-NLS
612  + " event_id INTEGER REFERENCES events(event_id) NOT NULL, " //NON-NLS
613  + " PRIMARY KEY (event_id, tag_name_id))"; //NON-NLS
614  stmt.execute(sql);
615  } catch (SQLException ex) {
616  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "problem creating tags table", ex); //NON-NLS
617  }
618  }
625  private void createIndex(final String tableName, final List<String> columnList) {
626  String indexColumns =",", "(", ")"));
627  String indexName = tableName + "_" + StringUtils.join(columnList, "_") + "_idx"; //NON-NLS
628  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
630  String sql = "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " + indexName + " ON " + tableName + indexColumns; // NON-NLS
631  stmt.execute(sql);
632  } catch (SQLException ex) {
633  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "problem creating index " + indexName, ex); // NON-NLS
634  }
635  }
642  private boolean hasDBColumn(@Nonnull final String dbColumn) {
643  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
645  ResultSet executeQuery = stmt.executeQuery("PRAGMA table_info(events)"); //NON-NLS
646  while ( {
647  if (dbColumn.equals(executeQuery.getString("name"))) {
648  return true;
649  }
650  }
651  } catch (SQLException ex) {
652  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "problem executing pragma", ex); // NON-NLS
653  }
654  return false;
655  }
657  private boolean hasDataSourceIDColumn() {
658  return hasDBColumn("datasource_id"); //NON-NLS
659  }
661  private boolean hasTaggedColumn() {
662  return hasDBColumn("tagged"); //NON-NLS
663  }
665  private boolean hasHashHitColumn() {
666  return hasDBColumn("hash_hit"); //NON-NLS
667  }
669  void insertEvent(long time, EventType type, long datasourceID, long objID,
670  Long artifactID, String fullDescription, String medDescription,
671  String shortDescription, TskData.FileKnown known, Set<String> hashSets, List<? extends Tag> tags) {
673  EventTransaction transaction = beginTransaction();
674  insertEvent(time, type, datasourceID, objID, artifactID, fullDescription, medDescription, shortDescription, known, hashSets, tags, transaction);
675  commitTransaction(transaction);
676  }
684  void insertEvent(long time, EventType type, long datasourceID, long objID,
685  Long artifactID, String fullDescription, String medDescription,
686  String shortDescription, TskData.FileKnown known, Set<String> hashSetNames,
687  List<? extends Tag> tags, EventTransaction transaction) {
689  if (transaction.isClosed()) {
690  throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't update database with closed transaction"); // NON-NLS
691  }
692  int typeNum = RootEventType.allTypes.indexOf(type);
693  int superTypeNum = type.getSuperType().ordinal();
695  DBLock.lock();
696  try {
698  //"INSERT INTO events (datasource_id,file_id ,artifact_id, time, sub_type, base_type, full_description, med_description, short_description, known_state, hashHit, tagged) "
699  insertRowStmt.clearParameters();
700  insertRowStmt.setLong(1, datasourceID);
701  insertRowStmt.setLong(2, objID);
702  if (artifactID != null) {
703  insertRowStmt.setLong(3, artifactID);
704  } else {
705  insertRowStmt.setNull(3, Types.NULL);
706  }
707  insertRowStmt.setLong(4, time);
709  if (typeNum != -1) {
710  insertRowStmt.setInt(5, typeNum);
711  } else {
712  insertRowStmt.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER);
713  }
715  insertRowStmt.setInt(6, superTypeNum);
716  insertRowStmt.setString(7, fullDescription);
717  insertRowStmt.setString(8, medDescription);
718  insertRowStmt.setString(9, shortDescription);
720  insertRowStmt.setByte(10, known == null ? TskData.FileKnown.UNKNOWN.getFileKnownValue() : known.getFileKnownValue());
722  insertRowStmt.setInt(11, hashSetNames.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1);
723  insertRowStmt.setInt(12, tags.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1);
725  insertRowStmt.executeUpdate();
727  try (ResultSet generatedKeys = insertRowStmt.getGeneratedKeys()) {
728  while ( {
729  long eventID = generatedKeys.getLong("last_insert_rowid()"); //NON-NLS
730  for (String name : hashSetNames) {
732  // "insert or ignore into hash_sets (hash_set_name) values (?)"
733  insertHashSetStmt.setString(1, name);
734  insertHashSetStmt.executeUpdate();
736  //TODO: use nested select to get hash_set_id rather than seperate statement/query ?
737  //"select hash_set_id from hash_sets where hash_set_name = ?"
738  selectHashSetStmt.setString(1, name);
739  try (ResultSet rs = selectHashSetStmt.executeQuery()) {
740  while ( {
741  int hashsetID = rs.getInt("hash_set_id"); //NON-NLS
742  //"insert or ignore into hash_set_hits (hash_set_id, obj_id) values (?,?)";
743  insertHashHitStmt.setInt(1, hashsetID);
744  insertHashHitStmt.setLong(2, eventID);
745  insertHashHitStmt.executeUpdate();
746  break;
747  }
748  }
749  }
750  for (Tag tag : tags) {
751  //could this be one insert? is there a performance win?
752  insertTag(tag, eventID);
753  }
754  break;
755  }
756  }
758  } catch (SQLException ex) {
759  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "failed to insert event", ex); // NON-NLS
760  } finally {
761  DBLock.unlock();
762  }
763  }
778  Set<Long> addTag(long objectID, @Nullable Long artifactID, Tag tag, EventTransaction transaction) {
779  if (transaction != null && transaction.isClosed()) {
780  throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't update database with closed transaction"); // NON-NLS
781  }
782  DBLock.lock();
783  try {
784  Set<Long> eventIDs = markEventsTagged(objectID, artifactID, true);
785  for (Long eventID : eventIDs) {
786  insertTag(tag, eventID);
787  }
788  return eventIDs;
789  } catch (SQLException ex) {
790  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "failed to add tag to event", ex); // NON-NLS
791  } finally {
792  DBLock.unlock();
793  }
794  return Collections.emptySet();
795  }
808  private void insertTag(Tag tag, long eventID) throws SQLException {
810  //"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tags (tag_id, tag_name_id,tag_name_display_name, event_id) values (?,?,?,?)"
811  insertTagStmt.clearParameters();
812  insertTagStmt.setLong(1, tag.getId());
813  insertTagStmt.setLong(2, tag.getName().getId());
814  insertTagStmt.setString(3, tag.getName().getDisplayName());
815  insertTagStmt.setLong(4, eventID);
816  insertTagStmt.executeUpdate();
817  }
834  Set<Long> deleteTag(long objectID, @Nullable Long artifactID, long tagID, boolean stillTagged) {
835  DBLock.lock();
836  try {
837  //"DELETE FROM tags WHERE tag_id = ?
838  deleteTagStmt.clearParameters();
839  deleteTagStmt.setLong(1, tagID);
840  deleteTagStmt.executeUpdate();
842  return markEventsTagged(objectID, artifactID, stillTagged);
843  } catch (SQLException ex) {
844  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "failed to add tag to event", ex); // NON-NLS
845  } finally {
846  DBLock.unlock();
847  }
848  return Collections.emptySet();
849  }
871  private Set<Long> markEventsTagged(long objectID, @Nullable Long artifactID, boolean tagged) throws SQLException {
873  PreparedStatement selectStmt;
874  if (Objects.isNull(artifactID)) {
875  //"SELECT event_id FROM events WHERE file_id == ? AND artifact_id IS NULL"
876  selectNonArtifactEventIDsByObjectIDStmt.clearParameters();
877  selectNonArtifactEventIDsByObjectIDStmt.setLong(1, objectID);
879  } else {
880  //"SELECT event_id FROM events WHERE file_id == ? AND artifact_id = ?"
881  selectEventIDsBYObjectAndArtifactIDStmt.clearParameters();
882  selectEventIDsBYObjectAndArtifactIDStmt.setLong(1, objectID);
883  selectEventIDsBYObjectAndArtifactIDStmt.setLong(2, artifactID);
885  }
887  HashSet<Long> eventIDs = new HashSet<>();
888  try (ResultSet executeQuery = selectStmt.executeQuery();) {
889  while ( {
890  eventIDs.add(executeQuery.getLong("event_id")); //NON-NLS
891  }
892  }
894  //update tagged state for all event with selected ids
895  try (Statement updateStatement = con.createStatement();) {
896  updateStatement.executeUpdate("UPDATE events SET tagged = " + (tagged ? 1 : 0) //NON-NLS
897  + " WHERE event_id IN (" + StringUtils.join(eventIDs, ",") + ")"); //NON-NLS
898  }
900  return eventIDs;
901  }
903  void rollBackTransaction(EventTransaction trans) {
904  trans.rollback();
905  }
907  private void closeStatements() throws SQLException {
908  for (PreparedStatement pStmt : preparedStatements) {
909  pStmt.close();
910  }
911  }
913  private void configureDB() throws SQLException {
914  DBLock.lock();
915  //this should match Sleuthkit db setup
916  try (Statement statement = con.createStatement()) {
917  //reduce i/o operations, we have no OS crash recovery anyway
918  statement.execute("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;"); // NON-NLS
919  //we don't use this feature, so turn it off for minimal speed up on queries
920  //this is deprecated and not recomended
921  statement.execute("PRAGMA count_changes = OFF;"); // NON-NLS
922  //this made a big difference to query speed
923  statement.execute("PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY"); // NON-NLS
924  //this made a modest improvement in query speeds
925  statement.execute("PRAGMA cache_size = 50000"); // NON-NLS
926  //we never delete anything so...
927  statement.execute("PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0"); // NON-NLS
928  //allow to query while in transaction - no need read locks
929  statement.execute("PRAGMA read_uncommitted = True;"); // NON-NLS
930  } finally {
931  DBLock.unlock();
932  }
934  try {
935  LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("sqlite-jdbc version %s loaded in %s mode", // NON-NLS
936  SQLiteJDBCLoader.getVersion(), SQLiteJDBCLoader.isNativeMode() ? "native" : "pure-java")); // NON-NLS
937  } catch (Exception exception) {
938  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to determine if sqlite-jdbc is loaded in native or pure-java mode.", exception); //NON-NLS
939  }
940  }
942  private TimeLineEvent constructTimeLineEvent(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
943  return new TimeLineEvent(rs.getLong("event_id"), //NON-NLS
944  rs.getLong("datasource_id"), //NON-NLS
945  rs.getLong("file_id"), //NON-NLS
946  rs.getLong("artifact_id"), //NON-NLS
947  rs.getLong("time"), RootEventType.allTypes.get(rs.getInt("sub_type")), //NON-NLS
948  rs.getString("full_description"), //NON-NLS
949  rs.getString("med_description"), //NON-NLS
950  rs.getString("short_description"), //NON-NLS
951  TskData.FileKnown.valueOf(rs.getByte("known_state")), //NON-NLS
952  rs.getInt("hash_hit") != 0, //NON-NLS
953  rs.getInt("tagged") != 0); //NON-NLS
954  }
972  private Map<EventType, Long> countEventsByType(Long startTime, Long endTime, RootFilter filter, EventTypeZoomLevel zoomLevel) {
973  if (Objects.equals(startTime, endTime)) {
974  endTime++;
975  }
977  Map<EventType, Long> typeMap = new HashMap<>();
979  //do we want the root or subtype column of the databse
980  final boolean useSubTypes = (zoomLevel == EventTypeZoomLevel.SUB_TYPE);
982  //get some info about the range of dates requested
983  final String queryString = "SELECT count(DISTINCT events.event_id) AS count, " + typeColumnHelper(useSubTypes) //NON-NLS
984  + " FROM events" + useHashHitTablesHelper(filter) + useTagTablesHelper(filter) + " WHERE time >= " + startTime + " AND time < " + endTime + " AND " + SQLHelper.getSQLWhere(filter) // NON-NLS
985  + " GROUP BY " + typeColumnHelper(useSubTypes); // NON-NLS
987  DBLock.lock();
988  try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
989  ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryString);) {
990  while ( {
991  EventType type = useSubTypes
992  ? RootEventType.allTypes.get(rs.getInt("sub_type")) //NON-NLS
993  : BaseTypes.values()[rs.getInt("base_type")]; //NON-NLS
995  typeMap.put(type, rs.getLong("count")); // NON-NLS
996  }
998  } catch (Exception ex) {
999  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting count of events from db.", ex); // NON-NLS
1000  } finally {
1001  DBLock.unlock();
1002  }
1003  return typeMap;
1004  }
1017  List<EventStripe> getEventStripes(ZoomParams params) {
1018  //unpack params
1019  Interval timeRange = params.getTimeRange();
1020  RootFilter filter = params.getFilter();
1021  DescriptionLoD descriptionLOD = params.getDescriptionLOD();
1022  EventTypeZoomLevel typeZoomLevel = params.getTypeZoomLevel();
1024  long start = timeRange.getStartMillis() / 1000;
1025  long end = timeRange.getEndMillis() / 1000;
1027  //ensure length of querried interval is not 0
1028  end = Math.max(end, start + 1);
1030  //get some info about the time range requested
1033  //build dynamic parts of query
1034  String strfTimeFormat = SQLHelper.getStrfTimeFormat(rangeInfo.getPeriodSize());
1035  String descriptionColumn = SQLHelper.getDescriptionColumn(descriptionLOD);
1036  final boolean useSubTypes = typeZoomLevel.equals(EventTypeZoomLevel.SUB_TYPE);
1037  String timeZone = TimeLineController.getTimeZone().get().equals(TimeZone.getDefault()) ? ", 'localtime'" : ""; // NON-NLS
1038  String typeColumn = typeColumnHelper(useSubTypes);
1040  //compose query string, the new-lines are only for nicer formatting if printing the entire query
1041  String query = "SELECT strftime('" + strfTimeFormat + "',time , 'unixepoch'" + timeZone + ") AS interval," // NON-NLS
1042  + "\n group_concat(events.event_id) as event_ids," //NON-NLS
1043  + "\n group_concat(CASE WHEN hash_hit = 1 THEN events.event_id ELSE NULL END) as hash_hits," //NON-NLS
1044  + "\n group_concat(CASE WHEN tagged = 1 THEN events.event_id ELSE NULL END) as taggeds," //NON-NLS
1045  + "\n min(time), max(time), " + typeColumn + ", " + descriptionColumn // NON-NLS
1046  + "\n FROM events" + useHashHitTablesHelper(filter) + useTagTablesHelper(filter) // NON-NLS
1047  + "\n WHERE time >= " + start + " AND time < " + end + " AND " + SQLHelper.getSQLWhere(filter) // NON-NLS
1048  + "\n GROUP BY interval, " + typeColumn + " , " + descriptionColumn // NON-NLS
1049  + "\n ORDER BY min(time)"; // NON-NLS
1051  switch (Version.getBuildType()) {
1052  case DEVELOPMENT:
1053  LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "executing timeline query: {0}", query); //NON-NLS
1054  break;
1055  case RELEASE:
1056  default:
1057  }
1059  // perform query and map results to AggregateEvent objects
1060  List<EventCluster> events = new ArrayList<>();
1062  DBLock.lock();
1063  try (Statement createStatement = con.createStatement();
1064  ResultSet rs = createStatement.executeQuery(query)) {
1065  while ( {
1066  events.add(eventClusterHelper(rs, useSubTypes, descriptionLOD, filter.getTagsFilter()));
1067  }
1068  } catch (SQLException ex) {
1069  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get events with query: " + query, ex); // NON-NLS
1070  } finally {
1071  DBLock.unlock();
1072  }
1074  return mergeClustersToStripes(rangeInfo.getPeriodSize().getPeriod(), events);
1075  }
1090  private EventCluster eventClusterHelper(ResultSet rs, boolean useSubTypes, DescriptionLoD descriptionLOD, TagsFilter filter) throws SQLException {
1091  Interval interval = new Interval(rs.getLong("min(time)") * 1000, rs.getLong("max(time)") * 1000, TimeLineController.getJodaTimeZone());// NON-NLS
1092  String eventIDsString = rs.getString("event_ids");// NON-NLS
1093  Set<Long> eventIDs = SQLHelper.unGroupConcat(eventIDsString, Long::valueOf);
1094  String description = rs.getString(SQLHelper.getDescriptionColumn(descriptionLOD));
1095  EventType type = useSubTypes ? RootEventType.allTypes.get(rs.getInt("sub_type")) : BaseTypes.values()[rs.getInt("base_type")];// NON-NLS
1097  Set<Long> hashHits = SQLHelper.unGroupConcat(rs.getString("hash_hits"), Long::valueOf); //NON-NLS
1098  Set<Long> tagged = SQLHelper.unGroupConcat(rs.getString("taggeds"), Long::valueOf); //NON-NLS
1100  return new EventCluster(interval, type, eventIDs, hashHits, tagged,
1101  description, descriptionLOD);
1102  }
1117  static private List<EventStripe> mergeClustersToStripes(Period timeUnitLength, List<EventCluster> preMergedEvents) {
1119  //effectively map from type to (map from description to events)
1120  Map<EventType, SetMultimap< String, EventCluster>> typeMap = new HashMap<>();
1122  for (EventCluster aggregateEvent : preMergedEvents) {
1123  typeMap.computeIfAbsent(aggregateEvent.getEventType(), eventType -> HashMultimap.create())
1124  .put(aggregateEvent.getDescription(), aggregateEvent);
1125  }
1126  //result list to return
1127  ArrayList<EventCluster> aggEvents = new ArrayList<>();
1129  //For each (type, description) key, merge agg events
1130  for (SetMultimap<String, EventCluster> descrMap : typeMap.values()) {
1131  //for each description ...
1132  for (String descr : descrMap.keySet()) {
1133  //run through the sorted events, merging together adjacent events
1134  Iterator<EventCluster> iterator = descrMap.get(descr).stream()
1135  .sorted(Comparator.comparing(event -> event.getSpan().getStartMillis()))
1136  .iterator();
1137  EventCluster current =;
1138  while (iterator.hasNext()) {
1139  EventCluster next =;
1140  Interval gap = current.getSpan().gap(next.getSpan());
1142  //if they overlap or gap is less one quarter timeUnitLength
1143  //TODO: 1/4 factor is arbitrary. review! -jm
1144  if (gap == null || gap.toDuration().getMillis() <= timeUnitLength.toDurationFrom(gap.getStart()).getMillis() / 4) {
1145  //merge them
1146  current = EventCluster.merge(current, next);
1147  } else {
1148  //done merging into current, set next as new current
1149  aggEvents.add(current);
1150  current = next;
1151  }
1152  }
1153  aggEvents.add(current);
1154  }
1155  }
1157  //merge clusters to stripes
1158  Map<ImmutablePair<EventType, String>, EventStripe> stripeDescMap = new HashMap<>();
1160  for (EventCluster eventCluster : aggEvents) {
1161  stripeDescMap.merge(ImmutablePair.of(eventCluster.getEventType(), eventCluster.getDescription()),
1162  new EventStripe(eventCluster, null), EventStripe::merge);
1163  }
1165  return stripeDescMap.values().stream().sorted(Comparator.comparing(EventStripe::getStartMillis)).collect(Collectors.toList());
1166  }
1168  private static String typeColumnHelper(final boolean useSubTypes) {
1169  return useSubTypes ? "sub_type" : "base_type"; //NON-NLS
1170  }
1173  private PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String queryString) throws SQLException {
1174  PreparedStatement prepareStatement = con.prepareStatement(queryString);
1175  preparedStatements.add(prepareStatement);
1176  return prepareStatement;
1177  }
1182  public class EventTransaction {
1184  private boolean closed = false;
1195  private EventTransaction() {
1197  //get the write lock, released in close()
1198  DBLock.lock();
1199  try {
1200  con.setAutoCommit(false);
1201  } catch (SQLException ex) {
1202  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "failed to set auto-commit to to false", ex); // NON-NLS
1203  }
1205  }
1207  private void rollback() {
1208  if (!closed) {
1209  try {
1210  con.rollback();
1212  } catch (SQLException ex1) {
1213  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while attempting to rollback!!", ex1); // NON-NLS
1214  } finally {
1215  close();
1216  }
1217  }
1218  }
1220  private void commit() {
1221  if (!closed) {
1222  try {
1223  con.commit();
1224  // make sure we close before we update, bc they'll need locks
1225  close();
1227  } catch (SQLException ex) {
1228  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error commiting events.db.", ex); // NON-NLS
1229  rollback();
1230  }
1231  }
1232  }
1234  private void close() {
1235  if (!closed) {
1236  try {
1237  con.setAutoCommit(true);
1238  } catch (SQLException ex) {
1239  LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error setting auto-commit to true.", ex); // NON-NLS
1240  } finally {
1241  closed = true;
1243  DBLock.unlock();
1244  }
1245  }
1246  }
1248  public Boolean isClosed() {
1249  return closed;
1250  }
1251  }
1252 }
static Version.Type getBuildType()
void insertTag(Tag tag, long eventID)
static List< EventStripe > mergeClustersToStripes(Period timeUnitLength, List< EventCluster > preMergedEvents)
static EventDB getEventDB(Case autoCase)
boolean hasDBColumn(@Nonnull final String dbColumn)
Interval getSpanningInterval(Collection< Long > eventIDs)
PreparedStatement selectEventIDsBYObjectAndArtifactIDStmt
static ReadOnlyObjectProperty< TimeZone > getTimeZone()
Map< EventType, Long > countEventsByType(Long startTime, Long endTime, RootFilter filter, EventTypeZoomLevel zoomLevel)
TimeLineEvent constructTimeLineEvent(ResultSet rs)
PreparedStatement selectNonArtifactEventIDsByObjectIDStmt
static String typeColumnHelper(final boolean useSubTypes)
EventCluster eventClusterHelper(ResultSet rs, boolean useSubTypes, DescriptionLoD descriptionLOD, TagsFilter filter)
PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String queryString)
final Set< PreparedStatement > preparedStatements
static RangeDivisionInfo getRangeDivisionInfo(Interval timeRange)
static final List<?extends EventType > allTypes
static EventStripe merge(EventStripe u, EventStripe v)
void createIndex(final String tableName, final List< String > columnList)
static final org.sleuthkit.autopsy.coreutils.Logger LOGGER
synchronized static Logger getLogger(String name)
Set< Long > markEventsTagged(long objectID,@Nullable Long artifactID, boolean tagged)
static EventCluster merge(EventCluster cluster1, EventCluster cluster2)

Copyright © 2012-2015 Basis Technology. Generated on: Wed Apr 6 2016
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.